1. Will there be food and drinks at the end?
Yes, we will have food and drinks for all participants at the end of the race. There will be water in the pre-race area at I-70 parking lot and at aid stations along the race course. We will also have Gatorade at the aid stations.
2. Where does the race start? Where does it end?
The Half Starts just North of I-70 on Bill Snyder Family Highway.
The 5K starts and finishes at Bill Snyder Family Stadium.
3. Where does the course go?
Find course maps here.
4. What if it rains?
We will run in the rain, cold or snow. However, if it is unsafe to run/walk, the race director reserves the right to cancel the race.
5. What if I am unable to attend? Can I get a refund?
There will be no refunds of registration fees for the race.
6. Is there a cap on the number of registrations?
Yes: 1,700 in the Half. There is no limit to the 5K.
7. Do I have to register online? How do I verify my registration?
If you would rather register by mail, download the registration form by clicking here.
8. Where and when is packet pickup?
All participants will be able to pick up their bib numbers, timing chips and event shirts at the Manhattan Running Company at 1129 Garden Way, Manhattan KS 66502. See the packet pickup times on this page.
9. Where do I park on race day?
There will be ample parking on the WEST Side of Bill Snyder Family Stadium (2201 Kimball Ave.). More information about parking and other race weekend activities will be provided in a participant guide that will be sent to participants and posted here prior to the event.
10. Will I be able to pick up my age group award on race day?
We will hand out only the overall and age group awards in the post-race area at approximately 9:45 am. All finishers will get their finisher medal at the finish line of the race.
11. May I switch race distances after I register?
You can switch from the half marathon to the 5K up through packet pickup on May 26, but not on race day. You cannot switch from the 5K to the half marathon. To make changes prior to packet pickup, please email the race director.
If you change to the 5K from the half marathon, you will not receive a half marathon race shirt or finisher medal.
12. What if my name is spelled wrong, my age is wrong, etc.?
No problem. Just email the race director to make the necessary changes to your registration.
13. I registered but can’t participate; can I still pick up my race shirt?
Yes. Please stop by and pick up your bib and race shirt at packet pickup (dates and times are on the packet pickup page). Shirts will NOT be mailed.
14. I won’t be able to participate. May I transfer my registration to next year or give it to a friend?
No. We’re sorry, but we do not allow you to transfer your registration for next year or to another person. There will be no refunds.
15. I have a friend who would like to volunteer. How can they help?
Please email the Race Director for information on ways to help.
16. Can a friend or family member pick up my packet?
Yes. Just be sure to let the participant know that you have picked up their packet to reduce confusion, as we will not be able to keep track of who picked up the packet.
17. I am traveling from out of town. Are there hotels nearby?
Visit the Hotel Information page for a list of several hotels within a few miles of the race.
18. What will happen to shirts left behind on the race course?
We need to clean up the course quickly after the race. Shirts that are left behind will be picked up and donated to charity. We encourage you to use the bag drop for items you wish to keep.
19. What kind of shirt do we get?
The Half Marathon & 5K will both receive a Premium Cotton-poly blend UNISEX T-shirt.